Nosh Privacy Policy

Effective as of May 1, 2021

This “Privacy Notice” describes the privacy practices of and our subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively, “Nosh”, “we”, “us”, or “our”) in connection with the (the “website”), the Nosh android and IOS mobile applications (the “apps”) and any other website or mobile application that we own or control and which posts or links to this Privacy Policy (collectively, the “Service”). This Privacy Policy spells out your rights and the choices available to you with respect to the personal information you provide to us in the course of using our services.

This Privacy Policy does not include the privacy practices of third party organizations such as merchants whose gift card is sold via the Service. However, Nosh will always conduct a check on the Privacy practice of Merchants and third parties in order to ensure that only merchants with the best privacy practices are listed.

We may provide additional or supplemental privacy policies to individuals for specific products or services that we offer at the time we collect personal information. These supplemental privacy policies or notices will govern how we process the information in the context of the specific product or service.

Personal Information We Collect

Information you give us

  • Contact information, such as your first and last name, email address, mailing addresses, phone number, and company name.

  • Profile information, such as your username and password that you may set to establish an online account with us, your date of birth, your gender, etc..

  • Feedback or correspondence, , such as information you provide when you contact us with questions, feedback, or otherwise correspond with us online.

  • Payment information, , such as information you provide when you contact us with questions, feedback, or otherwise correspond with us online. , such as your credit or debit card information, cryptocurrency wallet address, or the fact that payment was completed through a third-party payment solution (such as ApplePay or PayPal); and, in the case of corporate sales, bank account information and purchase order number.

  • Precise geolocation information, such as when you authorize our mobile application to access your location. Transaction information, such as information about the gift cards you purchase and the personal message you may choose to include in connection with a gift card order Gift card information, such as your gift card number and PIN.

  • Usage information, such as when you authorize our mobile application to access your location.

  • Gift card information, such as your gift card number and PIN.

  • Usage information, such as information about how you use the Service and interact with us, including information associated with any content you submit to us.

  • Marketing information,such as information such on your preferences for receiving communications about our offerings and promotions, and details about how you engage with our communications.

  • Other information that we may collect which is not specifically listed here, but which we will use in accordance with this Privacy Notice or as otherwise disclosed at the time of collection.

Information we receive about gift card recipients

Whenever a user of the Services purchases a gift card as a gift, they are required to provide us with the recipient’s name and email address or phone number. This enables us to deliver the gift to the intended recipient. Details of the recipient we collect are not processed further or used for any other purpose. However, these details remain stored in your transaction history only for reference purposes.

Information we obtain from third-party platforms and social media networks

We may maintain pages for our company, and our products and services on third-party platforms, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, Instagram, and other social networking services. When you interact with our pages on those third-party platforms, the third-party’s privacy policy will govern your interactions on the relevant platform. You may choose to provide us with information through the third-party platform by filling a contact form, participating a survey or taking other steps that require you to provide your personal information to us privately for example when we post a job ad on LinkedIn and you choose to apply by sending us your CV, we will treat such information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

If the third party platform provides us with information about our pages on those platforms or your interactions with them, we will also treat that information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If you choose to login to the Service via a third-party platform or social media network, or otherwise connect your account on the third-party platform or network to your account through the Service, we may collect information from that platform or network. For example, if you connect via Facebook, this information may include your Facebook username, user ID, profile picture, cover photo, and networks to which you belong (e.g., school, workplace). You may also have the opportunity to provide us with additional information via the third-party platform or network, such as a list of your friends or connections and your email address.

Information we obtain from merchants and third parties

We may receive personal information about you from merchants that have shown that they have your consent to share such information with third parties. For example, a merchant may share your contact information with us if you have expressed interest in purchasing a gift card with the merchant or have previously done so and you gave your consent to the merchant to share your personal and contact information with third parties. We may also obtain your personal information from other third parties, such as marketing partners, and publicly-available sources as much as they have your consent to share your personal information with third parties. However, you may opt out of your subscription with such third parties and or withdraw your consent at any time from receiving any further communication from us by following the procedure outlined in our opt out process below.

Cookies and other information collected by automated means

We, our service providers, and our business partners may automatically log information about you, the device you use to access the Service, and your activity on the Service. The information that may be collected automatically includes your device operating system type and version number, manufacturer and model, device identifier (such as the Google Advertising ID or Apple ID for Advertising), browser type, screen resolution, IP address, preferred language, the website you visited before browsing to our website, general location information such as city, state or geographic area; and information about your use of and actions on the Service, such as pages or screens you viewed, how long you spent on a page or screen, navigation paths between pages or screens, information about your activity on a page or screen, access times, and length of access. Our service providers and business partners may collect this type of information over time and across third-party websites and mobile applications. On our webpages, this information is collected using cookies, browser web storage (also known as locally stored objects, or “LSOs”), Flash-based LSOs (also known as “Flash cookies”), web beacons, and similar technologies, and our emails may also contain web beacons. In our mobile application, we may collect this information directly or through our use of third-party software development kits (“SDKs”). SDKs may enable third parties to collect information directly from our mobile application.

  • A “cookie” is a text file that websites send to a visitor‘s computer or other Internet-connected device to uniquely identify the visitor’s browser or to store information or settings in the browser.

  • Browser web storage or LSOs, are used for similar purposes as cookies. Browser web storage enables the storage of a larger amount of data than cookies. A “web beacon,” also known as a pixel tag or clear GIF, is typically used to demonstrate that a web page was accessed or that certain content on a webpage or in an email was viewed, typically to measure the success of our marketing campaigns or engagement with our emails and to compile statistics about usage of our websites.

  • An SDK is third-party computer code that we may incorporate into our mobile applications that may be used for a variety of purposes, including to provide us with analytics regarding the use of our mobile applications, to integrate with social media, add features or functionality to our app, or to facilitate online advertising.

We may also use Flash LSO on our website to collect and store information about your use of our website. Unlike cookies, Flash LSOs cannot be removed or rejected via your browser settings. If you do not want Flash LSOs stored on your computer or mobile device, you can adjust the settings of your Flash player to block Flash LSO storage using the tools contained in the Website Storage Settings Panel. You can also control Flash LSOs by going to the Global Storage Settings Panel and following the instructions. Please note that setting the Flash Player to restrict or limit acceptance of Flash LSOs may reduce or impede the functionality of Flash applications that we may use in connection with our website. Web browsers may offer users of our websites or mobile apps the ability to disable receiving certain types of cookies; however, if cookies are disabled, some features or functionality of our websites may not function correctly. Please see the “Targeted online advertising” section for information about how to exercise choice regarding the use of browsing behavior for purposes of targeted advertising.

Personal information of referrals

Users of the Service may have the opportunity to refer friends or other contacts to us. You may submit a referral only if you have permission to provide the referral’s contact information to us so that we may contact them.

How We Use Your Personal Information

We use your personal information for the following purposes and as otherwise described in this Privacy Policy or at the time of collection:

To operate the Service

We use your personal information to provide, operate and improve the Service, maintain gift card wallets on your behalf, and enable you to export gift cards to third-party wallets,

send and receive gift cards purchased through the Service, provide information about our products and services, establish and maintain your profile on the Service, facilitate your login to the Service via third-party identity and access management providers, such as Facebook and Google, communicate with you about the Service, including by sending you announcements, updates, security alerts, and support and administrative messages,

understand your needs and interests, and personalize your experience with the Service and our communications, provide support and maintenance for the Service, to respond to your requests, questions and feedback.

To send you login and transaction alert

We would send you login notification alerts each time you login to your account using any of the services. We would also send you transaction update alerts whenever you make use of the services to carry out a transaction. In addition to this, we would send two -factor authentication codes to your email or phone number to enable you to enjoy the benefits of the secured login process. We would also send you a security alert notification whenever your account is about to be or has been accessed from a new location or device for the first time. This alert may require you to take action in order to secure your account in the event that there is a breach.

For research and development

We analyze your use of the Service to analyze and improve the Service and to develop new products and services, including by studying user demographics and use of the Service.

To send you marketing and promotional communications

We may send you Nosh-related marketing communications as permitted by law. You will have the ability to opt-out of our marketing and promotional communications if you want to by clicking on the “unsubscribe” inscription that appears at the bottom of each email notification you receive from us.

For compliance, fraud prevention, and safety

We may use your personal information as we believe necessary or appropriate to:

  • comply with applicable laws, lawful requests, and legal process, such as to respond to subpoenas or requests from government authorities;

  • protect our, your or others’ rights, privacy, safety or property (including by making and defending legal claims).

  • enforce the terms and conditions that govern the Service or any gift card purchased through the Service.

  • protect, investigate and deter against fraudulent, harmful, unauthorized, unethical or illegal activity.

Additional Request for consent

In some cases we may specifically ask for your consent to collect, use or share your personal information, such as when required by law.

To create anonymous, aggregated, or de-identified data

We may create anonymous, aggregated or de-identified data from your personal information and other individuals whose personal information we collect. We make personal information into anonymous, aggregated or de-identified data by removing information that makes the data personally identifiable to you. We may use this anonymous, aggregated or de-identified data and share it with third parties for our lawful business purposes, including to analyze and improve the Service and promote our business.

How We Share Your Personal Information

We do not share your personal information with third parties without your consent, except in the following circumstances or as otherwise described in this Privacy Policy:

Companies within the First Data group

We may disclose your personal information to our subsidiaries and corporate affiliates – including those in the First Data group of companies – for purposes consistent with this Privacy Policy.

Service providers

We may employ third party companies and individuals to administer and provide services on our behalf (such as companies that provide customer support, companies that we engage to host, manage, maintain, and develop our website, and IT systems, and companies that help us process payments). These third parties may use your information only as directed by Nosh in a manner consistent with this Privacy Policy and are prohibited from using or disclosing your information for any other purpose.

Gift recipients

When you send a gift through the Service and provide your name, we will disclose that information to the recipient.When you send a gift through the Service and provide your name, we will disclose that information to the recipient.


When Nosh performs services, including selling or managing gift cards, for a merchant, it may share personal information with that merchant. For example, Nosh may collect information about a merchant’s customers from or on behalf of the merchant, such as when we offer or sell gift cards, and Nosh may share personal information about those customers with the merchant. In some cases, we may provide the name and contact information of individuals who purchase a merchant’s gift card to the merchant. We may also provide the opportunity for you to sign up to receive marketing or promotional communication emails from merchants. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of merchants who use our services.

Professional advisors

We may disclose your personal information to professional advisors, such as lawyers, bankers, auditors and insurers, where necessary in the course of the professional services that they provide to us.

For compliance, fraud prevention and safety

We may share your personal information with regulators or law enforcement agencies when legally required for compliance, fraud prevention, risk mitigation and safety purposes described above. We may also share your information with a licensed fraud prevention company or private investigators if we notice any illegal or unusual activities that may either compromise our operations or expose us or other users to the risk of fraud. The private investigator or licensed fraud prevention company may use information about you to help us prevent fraudulent or other illegal transactions.

Business transfers

We may sell, transfer or otherwise share some or all of our business or assets, including your personal information, in connection with a business transaction (or potential business transaction) such as a corporate divestiture, merger, consolidation, acquisition, reorganization or sale of assets, or in the event of bankruptcy or dissolution.

How we Protect Your Personal Information

We ensure that all personal information we collect is well secured both digitally on our database and physically. We ensure that our databases, cloud storage and hardware are well secured. Our staff devices are controlled and monitored to ensure that it is only accessible by authorized personnel. We adopt the highest security measures recommended by our regulators as well as those of international best practices standards to avoid risks of loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure and alteration of your personal information.

Your choices

Access or update your information

If you have registered for an account with us, you may review and update certain personal information in your account profile by logging into the account and visiting your profile section. Changes you make in updating your profile must be accurate and not intended to mislead.

Opt out of marketing communications

You may opt out of marketing-related emails by following the opt-out or unsubscribe instructions at the bottom of the email, or by contacting us via any of our support and customer service channels. Note that you may continue to receive service-related and other non-marketing emails.

Request to be forgotten

You may choose to opt out of our services completely by deleting your account with us and unsubscribing to our newsletters and notifications. However, we may retain your personal information for a period of 12 months from the date you opt out completely. You may write to us to delete your personal information from our records through the contact information provided in this Privacy Policy. Note that we may not be able to delete your information completely if you have performed any transaction on our services as information regarding the transaction are required to be maintained for reference purposes. For instance, we are mandated to keep a record of all transactions both for compliance reasons and for access to transaction records of other users. Our merchants or third party service providers may also continue to retain a portion of your personal information in reference to the transactions you performed on the services.

Data Protection Officer Contact Information

If you wish to contact us for any information regarding the collection and use of your personal information, kindly do so through our data protection officer’s (DPO) contact information provided below:

Name: Nosh Legal Team

Email: [email protected]

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